Thank You to All Our Volunteers and Donors

The support of community businesses, volunteers, and donors has been essential to the success of the Positive Change Center and the Inner Lighthouse Mission in providing support and resources to veterans, front-liners, and others who are serving our communities. We are incredibly grateful for the generous contributions of time, resources, and expertise from local businesses, volunteers, and donors who have joined us in this important endeavor. Their support has helped to bring our vision to life, and without it, we would not be where we are today.

The Positive Change Center is a community-driven initiative that relies on the support and involvement of local businesses, volunteers, and donors. By working hand in hand with these groups, we are able to bring much-needed resources and services to our community and create stronger, more resilient relationships between individuals, organizations, and communities. The Positive Change Center is not just a place for individuals to come together, but it is a space where individuals who are already serving our communities can come to receive support and healing.

The support of local businesses, volunteers, and donors has taken many forms, from financial contributions to in-kind donations of materials and services. We have been amazed by the level of commitment and generosity shown by these groups and are proud to have them as partners in this important work.

To all of the businesses, volunteers, and donors who have supported us along the way, we offer our deepest gratitude and appreciation. Your contributions have made a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve and have helped us to build a stronger, more connected community. We are actively seeking volunteers and financial support to continue our mission and create positive change in the world around us.


Type Of Contribution Year
Cascade Lumber Building Supply's 2023
Ravenwood Construction Construction and land help 2019- Present
Enviro/Con Landscaping Materials Landscaping materials and support 2023
envirotek Event help and services 2023
Telos Transformational Therapies Training, support, partnership 2021-Present
Nectar for the Gods words best growing supply's! 2016-Present
Chad Baker Construction, electrical, Design, Help and Supplies 2019-2023
Lane O'Harra Gardening Design, Garden, Fire Tinder 2020-2023
Ezra Eickmeyer Yard service 2023
Frank Lee Support and love! 2022-2023
Cody Musgrave Construction, Electrical, Design 2022-2023
Tom Tazer Construction, design, support 2016-Present
Daniel Ross Electrical, Design 2019-Present
Daniel Lee Construction, design, support 2019-Present
Davey Chips!!! 2022-23
Walgreens Funding 2019
Mel Buhr Sacred stones 2022
David Maxwell Construction, design, supporter 2001-Present
Eva Milldrum Supporter 2018-Present
David Johnson Construction, design, support 2020-Present
Amelia Johnson Construction, design, support 2020-Present
Natural Stone Interiors semi precious stones donations! 2022
Andy Gladd Tractor, Grading, Dirt work 2022
Kate Butterworth Furnishing, Garden supplies 2022
Craft Stove Mt Vernon, WA Help with fireplace 2022
Grocery Outlet Various supplies 2023